Keep it Gandola Green!


As the water regulations get implemented, Gandola Landscape and Lawn Care can help you reduce your water usage by 30-45%. In order to reduce the water usage, a few steps that we will need to take action on.

The Gandola Green process for a green and healthy lawn is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Thorough Aeration Service
  2. Customized Polymer Soil Conditioning
  3. Soil Buster Blend with Gypsum, Sulfer, and Calcium

The first action will be to aerate the lawn areas twice a year in the spring and fall. This process will relieve compaction and aide in oxygen exchange for the roots for a quicker recovery time from use of field. We can increase the absorption rate space by 50% in an area of 1000-1500 sq ft lawn area.

Once the aeration process has been completed, we will apply a sand polymer that would fall into the thousands of holes produced by the aeration. A polymer acts like a sponge and would hold about 2700 gallons of water per acre or 60 gallons per 1000 sq ft of lawn. This would aide in keeping the park nourished during the days when the irrigation watering is restricted. The polymer has a life span of approximately 3 years.

An application of soil conditioner would be the final step in this process. This product contains gypsum that will neutralize alkaline soil and improves porosity. It also contains sulfur and calcium to help the lawn withstand extreme weather conditions, improve overall color and disease resistant grass.

With following the described process on a yearly basis the property could see 30-45% of water savings on your lawn. Why go fake when you can keep it real and healthy the Gandola Green way!

Contact us today!